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How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?


Split is 4 hours drive by car from Zagreb on motorway, 410 km.

Zadar is even closer, 3 hours drive, 280 km.

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

If you prefer to take local roads you need to get out of the motorway at Karlovac, carry on along through a picturesque region of Lika. On a way you can visit Plitvice Lakes Plitvice Lakes

or village Smiljane, a birthplace of great scientist Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla Birthplace

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

If you are not in hurry, I would certainly recommend this.

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?

How far is it from Split to Zagreb?


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