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Having lived in Croatian capital Zagreb for many years, I long for the time of year when I can go to the Croatian coast. My hobby is searching for the ruined, old stone houses and dreaming how to renovate them.

Stone House Dalmatia

Stone House Dalmatia

Due to the fact that I have had asthma from my childhood, which I got from my father’s smoking, I find relief in beeing on the coastline and  breathing the air by the seaside. Mediterranean plants and air by the sea are huge help in fighting asthma and reducing inhaling corticosteroid doses which I take daily in order to breath normally.

My intention is to  renovate and old house in Dalmatia, make rooms with toilets and one big, friendly kitchen and spend there 3 months a year and inviting  asthmatic children to stay there for free.


Stone House Dalmatia

Stone House Dalmatia


Can you help setting this dream into reality?  The house is rather small and humble, but after renovation we will be able to arrange up to 10 beds.  It’ll be clean and allergy friendly, meaning no dust, no feathers, no allergens. I have already some volunteers who would love to help restoring an old house and they don’t mind camping there for a while.

Stone House Dalmatia

Figs drying on the terrace of a stone house in Dalmatia

Regarding the location, it is  a village Murter, on an island Murter. This place is 4 hours drive away from Zagreb, it is an island, but connected by a bridge. It has great beaches, clean sea and lovely view at Kornati Islands.

Stone House Dalmatia

Sandy beach Kosirina on Island of Murter


Murter is the largest and oldest settlement on the island of Murter.


View at village Murter with its Marina for sailing boats

Island of Murter is a main gateway to the National Park Kornati Islands.

Stone House Dalmatia

Inhabitant of Murter Island

My ancestors come from that island, my grandmother and my father would pick up  olives for oil as well as figs which they would dry on the terrace.

Donkey in Murter

Me and my auntie


Island of Murter,

Island of Murter, my daughter and relatives



Stone House Dalmatia

Girls in the tiny streets of Dalmatia



Murter by night


Can you help coming this project to life by donating funds to my account, please? Your donation of € 1.000 or equivalent in your currency is a great way of helping the project to come alive and to give some relief to asthmatic children and people like me. We need some € 20.000 in total.

Once the house is renovated, you are welcome to come and visit us and stay with us on the Island of Murter, not as a guest but as a domestic person, having us as your hosts to show you our local life.

During the proces of  renovating and opening up, we will keep you updated.  I strongly believe we can make this dream alive with your help.

Sincerely Yours,

Inga Juraga

Erste Bank  SWIFT:ESBCHR22  IBAN:HR0324020063203877770

Stone house Dalmatia

Stone house Dalmatia project team

Funding Project

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Funding a Project

asthma medicine

Asthma Medicine


Funding renovation

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